Something’s brewing

C R E A T I V I T Y is flowing right now and I am feeling a buzzing aliveness that I haven’t felt for some time. It was not that long ago where I was really struggling. Caught up in tunnel vision stories around scarcity of time/energy/love, feelings of being trapped and powerless. Some of which felt sooo old… old in terms of the recognizable grip these stories have had on my life at times… and then even older in terms of other lifetimes and generations… I wonder if you can relate?

B R E A T H I N G / P A U S I N G …. Leaning back, wide eyed, feeling new and tender, feeling curious and hopeful, and a little bit seeing the steps I am meant to take. Steps that feel so aligned it’s scary. Scary because it matters so much to me and how I want to be/become.

And I can feel some exciting things brewing in my world and work. I am committed to continue to serve couples in an even bigger, deeper way. And I’m feeling deeply called to create a container for women who want to step even more authentically into who they are most meant to be. A women’s circle perhaps? Maybe a group coaching container? The specifics are uncertain, but there is inspiring movement here. Stay tuned for more… and message me if this resonates for you and you’d like to stay in the loop. Much love.



Broken boots & a nourished heart


I did a thing